Saturday, March 7, 2009

Perhaps a little overenthusiastic...

I set out for my run this afternoon aiming to complete 3.0 miles again. I set a nice loop very similar to yesterday's, stretched, and embarked. Oh, what a silly girl I am! I've only ever run 3.0 miles once before yesterday's run, and that was over a month ago. I am out of shape. Why, oh WHY, did I think it a good idea to try and run 3.0 miles again so soon? Because I am silly. Oh-so-silly! After the first mile, I kind of wanted to die, but I convinced myself, "Brenna, I am sure you will not die from this endeavor. You might be a little tired afterward, but you will for certain be alive!" So I kept going. About half way through mile two, I noticed my pace had slowed quite a bit, and that it was taking me a good while to run past old women walking. I kept going, though. I didn't want to be a quitter. Then, right before mile two I though I might empty out the contents of my stomach. So I stopped.

I was beating myself up mentally, telling myself that I should have kept going, that I could have finished the 3.0 mile loop that I set for myself. On my mile walk back to my house (oh, the beauty of loops), I got to thinking. I definitely could have run 3.0 miles. Physically and mentally. Would it have been the best idea? Maybe not. But, for today, I think 2.0 miles is good. Three days ago I was ready to cry after just half a mile. 2.0 miles is good. I can run 3.0 miles again later, all that really matters is that I'm out there, running and trying. Also, I'm going to throw out the "it's-my-time-of-the-month" excuse. Because I can and I feel like my cramps warrant it. Damn ovaries.

During the first mile, I was coming up to a cross-walk. The cross sign was already gone, and the signal was blinking and counting down the time I had left to cross the street. I decided I had ample time, so I start running across the street (I hate standing waiting for the lights to change). Behind me, I hear two teenage boys making fun of me, saying things like "Oh, 7 seconds... do you really think you're going to make it?" It didn't bother me as it happened, but a few minutes later I was thinking about it and I was wishing that I'd given them the finger. Seriously. In a country suffering from so much obesity and health problems due to weight and inactivity, who are you to make fun of ANYONE who is trying to better themselves and their future? It's probably a good thing that I didn't give them the finger, though. I don't live in a very nice area and I can't run very fast. Yet!

At least the weather's been nice enough the past couple of days to run outside. That along makes me happy! No treadmill :)

Mile 1 - 11:18
Mile 2 - 12:47
Total: 2 miles, 24:05

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