Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Worcester Half Marathon: Year 2

I plan to win. NBD.

...that was a joke.

Friday, January 14, 2011

9:42 PM. Decision made.

9:41 PM, Brenna: i think i'm going to try and marathon it this year. thoughts?
9:42 PM, Sister: um?? marathon?? sounds like death to me!

Challenge accepted, dear sister.

Interesting Brenna tidbit of the day:

I shovel lefty, but I am a righty.

What up, ripped left arm?

And on this afternoon's agenda...


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Look at my clavicle! What do you mean, you can't see it?

Plans have changed a bit. I realized that tomorrow the school's fitness center will be closed (they're changing out all of the aerobic equipment for new machines, wee!), so I've got no workout plans. In lieu of this catastrophic news, I decided to forgo shoveling today so I'll have something to do tomorrow, and instead decided to kill it on the treadmill.

I ran two miles at 21:30, did a hill workout on a stationary bike for 12 minutes, and then did 16:30 minutes of interval work back on the old treadmill (one mile of intervals, .4 mile recovery). Intervals were separated by 1:00 @ 4.0, and went as follows: 2:45 @ 5.5, 1:00 @ 6.0, 1:00 @ 6.2, 1:00 @ 6.4, 1:00 @ 6.2, 1:00 @ 6.00, 2:45 @ 5.5. So today was a 3 mile day. Not too shabby. I haven't run that far since the Turkey Trot I did with my sister on Thanksgiving, so I'll take it as a win, even if it has to come in parts. A mile is a mile is a mile.

This is me post-shower:

Ignore the goofy face and peace sign, and look at the index finger pointing to the imaginary clavicle. I've always wanted a clavicle. That would be a nice spot for one. Okay, I know I have one, I just want to be able to see it. I'm touching it in this photo, but you really can't tell. Add that to the list of goals. Goal-related post coming soon.

Plan for the day

1. Get in a few hours at work.
2. Run my little heart out.
3. Shovel out roommate's car so she won't have to do it when she gets back from break.
4. Shower. I smell even before working out.
5. Work on thesis drafts that are due tomorrow (a clear priority...)

In other news, my arms kill from yesterday's 3 hour shoveling debacle. Love it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh blog world, it's been far too long.

And what have I been doing with my life? Not running enough and eating too much. Let's fix this, shall we?

In the past months, I may have been neglecting this puppy, but I continued updating my RunningAhead account, so my miles have been tallied (very few in number, might I add).

Anyway... New England got pounded with a huge snowstorm today. The gym was closed and the roads were terrible, so running was out of the picture. Next best thing? Shoveling snow for three hours. Yes, I said that correctly. Three hours.

About an hour after I finished, some guys my landlord hired showed up with a snow blower. The nerve!

Here's what it looked like (more or less) when I began:

And here's what my butt looked like afterward:

Don't try and tell me you don't like it.

On a side note, since the half marathon in June, I'd gained 18 pounds. Back up to 221. Yo-yoing really sucks. I've been working out pretty consistently and eating well over the past week and a half. Down to 210. Killing it.