Sunday, May 30, 2010

A little bit of redemption

So, like I said, yesterday's run was abysmal. Worse than that, even. Okay, I may be being a bit melodramatic. In any case, today while at the supermarket with a friend of mine, I decided to forget yesterday and keep running as hard as I can for as long as I can. I told her my plan so as to have someone to hold me accountable for my decision (because I can't hold myself accountable). I don't usually run the day following a long run, but today I made an exception.

I ran my favorite short loop, which is 2.75 miles and usually takes me around 32-33 minutes (11:30-12:00ish pace). I ran it today in 30:36! That's a pace of 11:08 and is officially the fastest run I've had since I started training for the half marathon in January. Granted it was a short distance, I must revel in the small victories.

Woohoo! Now to stretch some more and water the garden.

Happy Memorial Day, all!

Freaking Out!

My ten mile run yesterday went horribly. I planned and prepared for it poorly, and it showed. The first 3 miles were solid. The next 2 miles were shaky. Mile 6 was pretty solid, albeit SLOW. The last 4 miles would have made you want to cry with frustration and despair. It just wasn't coming together. At all. It was actually an 11 mile route, and I ended up walking the last mile, I was just in too much pain to keep going. All in all, the run was pretty disheartening, but let's recap the things I've done wrong:

  • last run was a week ago (WHAT?)
  • left the house at midday (wayyy too hot)
  • misread temperature as 71 instead of 81
  • didn't check humidity
  • only ate a banana before heading out
  • probably some other stupid stuff that I'm forgetting
Blisters are non-existent, which is good, but my back muscles are really sore. I think it's a combination of the distance and the fact that I was wearing the CamelBak my momma recently gifted me (which I love). It makes me sad that something that brings me so much joy (and hydration) could strain my muscles so much.

The half-marathon is two weeks from today. I need to put in some serious work.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Giveaways Galore!

A lot of awesome giveaways are going on right now!

JillWillRun is giving away 3 copies of The Ultimate Runner
Chris is giving away a headlamp and some other crap (his words, not mine).
Adam is giving away a $30 package of Scape sunscreen products.
Happy Runner Giveaways is giving away a $60 gift certificate to CSN stores.
MissZippy is giving away a sweet warm-up jacket.
Secrets of a Running Mom is giving away a running shirt & iTunes giftcard.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

24... err, 23... days until my first half!

Today I really wanted to be lazy. Like REALLY. But I finally convinced myself to go for a nice run at about 6:30 pm, well after I usually head out. I was feeling strong, and felt like I was going faster than I was actually moving. I like to think it's because the first mile was one huge hill. Anyway, in spite of said hill and the rain (did I mention it was raining? And I wore my glasses. Silly, I know), I managed to run 3.75 miles at a 12:19 pace, which is WAY faster than I've been running. Tomorrow I'm going hiking/climbing, so I probably won't get a run in. Friday is my sacred day of rest. Saturday is my long run, distance and route yet to be determined. Sunday is my collegiate graduation and rest day. Wee! Life is pretty exciting.

I also tried out the new Under Armor tights my momma purchased me, which reach just below the knee. I think they're the perfect length! No chaffing, no adjusting shorts, no pain - and most importantly, so stopping or slowing down because of apparel. I also took along my new CamelBak, which is unnecessary for a run 4 miles or under (at least for me, in this type of weather), but I wanted to get a feel for it before I took it out on a longer run. It bothered my back a little bit, but I also filled it way more than was necessary for a four miler. All in all, though, it was pretty cool, and I think it will really save me when it heats up and on my longer runs. Plus, it's really nice not to have to wear shorts with pockets, not to have things in said pockets, and to have your hands free.

Did I mention that I'm just getting home now? I ran to meet up with friends at bowling alley, and when they finished I ran to the place where everyone was grabbing food. I got a ride back to campus, but after trivia night at a local bar (I convinced some people my CamelBak was full of vodka) I ran back home. And now I smell like stale sweat and I have to be up in a few hours for work. Eep!

Night all, and happy Thursday!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Four weeks until the Half!

I am visiting my parents in New York for the weekend, and I could have easily chosen not to go for my long run (10 miles). Here are some of the many reasons not to go for a run that went through my mind:
  • I am sort of dehydrated
  • I JUST ate
  • I ate a lot of dairy yesterday, so I'll probably need to poop and I won't be able to find a bathroom
  • I have my period
  • I have bad allergies in New York
  • My hometown is REALLY hilly (this should be a plus, but everything was just piling up in my mind...)
  • I may have a stress fracture in my foot
So, did I run? Hell yes I ran. As I was leaving the house, my mom told me to give her a rescue call if need be. I appreciated it, and made a mental note not to use it. The first 4.5 miles were solid - then I had to go to the bathroom. Real bad. I found a nice wooded area, with a clear view of the street (it was the best I could find), and I took care of business. At about 6.5 miles I started getting sluggish, and the pain in my right foot started coming back. I walked for a little while to try and work it out. I decided it was nothing more than cramping, and I kept running. I couldn't make it up the last hill, at least mentally. I walked it, and then once it crested I started running again. I'm proud of myself for conquering my first double digit run, but I kind of wish it had gone better. Oh, well! I have four weeks to train and get happy with my performance.

When I got home, I kind of felt like I was going to die. My thighs are chaffed something terrible (that pain was the worst out of anything - physically I could have kept going, but it just HURT), and I was a bit dehydrated (I ran out of water at about mile 8). Later in the day my mom surprised me with a new, longer pair of spandex and a CamelBak. I love my momma.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feel the Burn

I set out this morning for a 4-ish mile run and had a bit of a tough time. Not only did my sports bra greatly aggravate my sun burn, my my calves felt like the were on fire during the first mile. In my mind, I decided it was because I have been slacking off fairly recently, and my body just isn't used to running as frequently as I'm forcing it to. That could be the case, but it's also a load of crap. Running isn't supposed to be easy - if it were, more people would do it. So voice number two in my head just kept me moving. Near the end of the run, I also felt a strong urge to take a short cut home, justifying it by telling myself that I wouldn't have time to get where I was supposed to be by 11:00. Also crap... just run faster, kid!

Anyway, in the end, I was quite happy that I stuck with it. Although, that pain in my right foot returned near the end of the run, located just below my big and second toes, which I suppose is the ball of my foot. I also felt some strain in my second toe. I'm going to pay extra close attention to that little guy.

I shall leave you with a lovely view from my run:

Coes Reservoir

Happy Tuesday, all!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lessons Learned

As I wrap up my final year of undergraduate education, it seems fitting to explain a lesson I've learned recently:

Sitting in the sun for a prolonged period of time with a mostly exposed back is, contrary to popular belief, not good for runners! Especially those runners who heavily really upon a tight, supportive sports bra.

Exhibit A:

This was taken Saturday evening... I'm pretty sure it's gotten redder.

How can I run when it hurts to much to put on a sports bra? I can't! If it still hurts tomorrow, to hell with it, I'm running anyway. This may not be such a bad thing, though - my calves are killing me today! They didn't bother me at all yesterday, so perhaps an extra day of rest isn't the worst thing. I also think it's time to kick up the strength workouts - I gotta get back into my groove with squats and lunges.

I've got to get through one exam and then I am D-O-N-E!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Race Schedule

I've deleted all the weight stuff on the right side... I just don't care that much. Don't get me wrong, one of my goals is weight loss, but running further/longer and racing are just more exhilarating to me, so I've posted my tentative race schedule for this year. Here is a breakdown:

06/13 - Worcester Half (13.1 mi)
This will be my first race. Ever. Crazy that my first race will be a half? Probably. I'm living life on the edge. It's all or nothing, baby! Plus, this is in my city, on the roads I run and am well acquainted with. I think it will be comfortable, and definitely doable. It's hilly, scenic, and should be drawing a good number of participants. Plus, for finishing, I get a shiny medal! Who wouldn't want to get medal in their first race?

06/27 - New Charles River Run (7.5 mi)
This one looks like a fun way to continue my race season. I looked for a race on the 20th (my birthday!), but to no avail. There were a couple of 5k races, but they were all too far away to justify such a short race. Anyway, this one looks like a beautiful course, so I'm pretty excited about that. They also have weight classes, which is pretty awesome! Sadly, the Clydesdales (men) have multiple weight classes, while the women only have one "heavier" class, which is 140+... there's no way I can compete with a 140 lb. woman, it's just not happening. Nonetheless, I appreciate the fact that they do have classes, as most races don't, and I'm sure it'll be a fun race, anyway.

07/17 - Greenbelt Trail Run (10k)
I've always wanted to do a trail run. The only time I've ever had to chance to try it was at the end of an Outward Bound course I did four years ago to prove to my parents that I could do anything, and that being fat couldn't stop me. The end of the course saw a 1.5 mile trail run that nearly killed me. It took me 40 minutes. To run a mile and a half. I was so out of shape and so embarrassed - but I finished. I want to try it again, now that I'm in [relatively] good shape. This will also be my first 10k, and it looks like a fun course. It's in a really beautiful part of the state, too!

09/12 - Run to the Rock (13.1 mi)
I wasn't able to find any decent August races, so I guess I'll be training to beat my time from the Worcester Half. This one looks like a well-attended race, plus I've never been to Plymouth Rock before. Heck, the only touristy thing in Massachusetts that I've done is stand outside a museum in Salem, and the only reason I was there at all was because I was looking for a way to kill some time during a conference. This race should fulfill a little bit of that touristy business I've avoided for four years.

09/19 - Lone Gull Race (10k)
I don't know much about this race at all, but it's right next to the beach, so I expect it will be a lovely run. That is pretty much my only justification for this one. It's good enough for me.

10/03 - Rise & Run Race (10 k)
This one is fairly close to where I live, and seems to be one of the last races of the season that fits into my schedule, so in it goes!

10/17 - Bay State Half (13.1 m)
Let's end it with a bang, eh? Three half-marathons in one year sounds awesome to me, and this loop course caught my eye. Plus, who knows when I'll get to race next?

Now, I just need a money-fairy to come and help me pay for them all...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm through accepting limits!

Oof... a month and a half? Sorry guys.

On my EIGHT MILE run this morning, I couldn't get Kurt from Glee singing Defying Gravity out or my head. I guess it became my anthem, in a way. Any time I wanted to quit, or I thought it was too hard or painful, I just sang along with Kurt in my head. I may have looked a little loopy near the end, but I got through it! Only near mile 6/7 did I really start to hurt. My right foot was killing me. I narrowed it down to two possible things: 1) I need new shoes or 2) I'm obese and that's a lot of weight I'm repeatedly forcing on my foot. It could also be a combination. I've never had pain before, but then again, this is the furthest I've ever run. Any other ideas, folks?

Please note that I am still happy at this point... somewhere around mile 4 or 5.

It was a good run - still slower than I'd like to see, but it's a long run for me, so I can't expect miracles. Plus, I took some time of my pace from my last long run, so that's good! I took a fairly scenic 4.0 mile out-and-back. Uphill the whole way out, downhill the whole way back. I'm fairly confident that was the best idea ever. Here's the hill profile:

After my long trek, I was sweaty (like REALLY sweaty), tired, and a bit dehydrated:

All in all, I would say today's run was a success! After my run, I ate some tasty greek yogurt to get in some much needed protein downed water like it was my job. Then I showered and ate a real meal. Mmm, bagels! I would eat bagels every day if they were healthier. I then put my thesis on complete hold (did I mention classes are over? My thesis is due tomorrow? After that I have ONE final, then senior year is over??) to go frolic in the sunshine. I put on a dress, grabbed a blanket and my book, and I set out for the campus green, wherein I allowed myself to incur a most righteous sunburn. Woops! This one may sting for a couple of days. I would show you a picture, but I've already offended you with my sweaty sports bra picture, I won't subject you to any more gross stuff today!

So much has happened since I last posted! I suppose life just got the best of me. A couple of friends and I won a $1500 grant to start an urban garden on campus, so I got to play around with that today. Watering the five raised beds we have took be about an hour... that counts as some strength work, right? The watering can is 2 gallons and gets quite heavy! In other news, my conference was ace! I knocked some people's socks off (they thought I was a PhD student... nope! I'm an undergrad), and put one PhD in his place. I was proud of myself for not being too shy about that! I just can't wait for it to be all over, you know? Then I can REALLY focus on my training.

Run hard, friends!