Monday, January 18, 2010

Today running was not my friend! I knew I was out of shape but I didn't know just how bad it was. Let me tell you: it was bad. I ran 2.0 miles total, but I had to take 3 walking breaks - after the first 8 minutes, then when I finished the first mile, then after the next half mile. Oof! But let's be optimistic - my endurance may be embarrassingly low, but I got it done!

I'm already behind a little bit on my self-created schedule because I assumed the school gym would be open this weekend since students were coming back. False! I have no idea why they weren't, but in any case I had to push my start back a few days.

I am ALMOST regretting my decision to run a half-marathon, but then I thought about it, and I realized that this is my one-way ticket to being a complete badass. Also, I never complete anything I start, at least fitness-wise. This one is going to be completed.

Run on!

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