Saturday, December 13, 2008


It's the most wonderful time of the year! Haven't you heard? Finals are here! Hooray!

But seriously, I'm really tired. Yesterday I had three papers due. Thursday I was pretty much writing for a full 24 hours aside from my one hour radio show, meals, a meeting, and the 5 hours of sleep I managed to get (and I'm pretty darn cranky when I don't get at least 8). I made an effort to get to the gym on Thursday, but the world seemed to be against me. It's probably better that it happened that way in any case, because my quads and glutes were pretty sore from lunges on Wednesday. When I say pretty sore, I mean I felt it with every step I took. So I couldn't get to the gym yesterday morning (finals were all due in the afternoon), so I went right after I handed my last one in. I was pretty tired, having only slept 5 hours, but I managed to run about a combined total of 13 minutes during intervals, I rowed for 25 minutes, and I biked for 10 minutes as a cool down. I really wish it were warmer and not so icy (Massachusetts was just hit with a HUGE ice storm - power is out all over the state) so that I could run outside, but I suppose I should just suck it up and shut up about it. The weather won't change just because I want it to.

I haven't been eating well lately. Finals time prompts a lot of my friends to bake, and I consequently eat whatever they decide to throw in the oven. Tonight is one of my best friend's birthday parties (good thing I don't drink, what a waste of calories!), and beforehand they're going to be making gingerbread houses at her apartment. My goal for the night is to not pick at the candy laid out and to make a house for someone else and not myself.

I got the keys to my new apartment yesterday (a block away from where I currently live) so I'll be moving starting tomorrow, hopefully. I have a little bit of time before I have to go to work, but I'm going to get in a workout. No point in starting to move when I don't know which bedroom I'm taking and I've barely started to pack.

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