Sunday, May 30, 2010

A little bit of redemption

So, like I said, yesterday's run was abysmal. Worse than that, even. Okay, I may be being a bit melodramatic. In any case, today while at the supermarket with a friend of mine, I decided to forget yesterday and keep running as hard as I can for as long as I can. I told her my plan so as to have someone to hold me accountable for my decision (because I can't hold myself accountable). I don't usually run the day following a long run, but today I made an exception.

I ran my favorite short loop, which is 2.75 miles and usually takes me around 32-33 minutes (11:30-12:00ish pace). I ran it today in 30:36! That's a pace of 11:08 and is officially the fastest run I've had since I started training for the half marathon in January. Granted it was a short distance, I must revel in the small victories.

Woohoo! Now to stretch some more and water the garden.

Happy Memorial Day, all!

1 comment:

Rad Runner said...

Heck yes! Congrats this is a big deal! There are pros out there who only run the very short distance races! Good job!