On my EIGHT MILE run this morning, I couldn't get Kurt from Glee singing Defying Gravity out or my head. I guess it became my anthem, in a way. Any time I wanted to quit, or I thought it was too hard or painful, I just sang along with Kurt in my head. I may have looked a little loopy near the end, but I got through it! Only near mile 6/7 did I really start to hurt. My right foot was killing me. I narrowed it down to two possible things: 1) I need new shoes or 2) I'm obese and that's a lot of weight I'm repeatedly forcing on my foot. It could also be a combination. I've never had pain before, but then again, this is the furthest I've ever run. Any other ideas, folks?

Please note that I am still happy at this point... somewhere around mile 4 or 5.
It was a good run - still slower than I'd like to see, but it's a long run for me, so I can't expect miracles. Plus, I took some time of my pace from my last long run, so that's good! I took a fairly scenic 4.0 mile out-and-back. Uphill the whole way out, downhill the whole way back. I'm fairly confident that was the best idea ever. Here's the hill profile:

After my long trek, I was sweaty (like REALLY sweaty), tired, and a bit dehydrated:

All in all, I would say today's run was a success! After my run, I ate some tasty greek yogurt to get in some much needed protein downed water like it was my job. Then I showered and ate a real meal. Mmm, bagels! I would eat bagels every day if they were healthier. I then put my thesis on complete hold (did I mention classes are over? My thesis is due tomorrow? After that I have ONE final, then senior year is over??) to go frolic in the sunshine. I put on a dress, grabbed a blanket and my book, and I set out for the campus green, wherein I allowed myself to incur a most righteous sunburn. Woops! This one may sting for a couple of days. I would show you a picture, but I've already offended you with my sweaty sports bra picture, I won't subject you to any more gross stuff today!
So much has happened since I last posted! I suppose life just got the best of me. A couple of friends and I won a $1500 grant to start an urban garden on campus, so I got to play around with that today. Watering the five raised beds we have took be about an hour... that counts as some strength work, right? The watering can is 2 gallons and gets quite heavy! In other news, my conference was ace! I knocked some people's socks off (they thought I was a PhD student... nope! I'm an undergrad), and put one PhD in his place. I was proud of myself for not being too shy about that! I just can't wait for it to be all over, you know? Then I can REALLY focus on my training.
Run hard, friends!
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