I'm also failing in the nutrition realm of things. The house is always full of baked goods, and they always seem to find their way into my mouth. This morning I woke up and decided to eat a real meal at the start of my day instead of eating cookies or cake. I poured myself a bowl of Smart Start (arguably my favorite cold cereal) and grabbed the soy milk from the fridge. I opened said soy milk, only to discover it was bad. It's been in the fridge since Thanksgiving. Instead of making oatmeal or eating dry cereal, I decided it was a good idea to eat Toaster Strudels (you know, those sugar packed "fruity" toaster pastries made with high-fructose corn syrup?) and a cookie. The sooner I get back to my place the better. There are simply too many temptations here that I am not yet ready or able to resist. Hopefully in a few months, in the same situation I'll have no problem.
So not only am I doing absolutely NOTHING, but I get upset when I think about what I could be doing. Agh! I just want to be back at school with my gym and my routine.