Saturday, December 27, 2008


Lame way to try and start a new healthy lifestyle, eh?  Maybe it was just poor timing.  I didn't go running during the last week of the semester (I blamed it on finals and the fact that I had to move, which is almost fair, but I really could have found the time), and I didn't bring my running shoes home with me.  That was stupid, I really should have.  My thought process was that I was leaving Massachusetts in the middle of a blizzard and that there would be no way I could run in those conditions, which is true.  There's no way I could run in 15 degree icy conditions.  There was snow completely covering everything at home for a good while.  That is, there was snow up until Christmas, when temperatures reached 50 and all of the snow and ice melted.  Now I'm kicking myself because not only is there no ice or snow, but the temperatures are ideal for me!  There's nothing I can do about it now.

I'm also failing in the nutrition realm of things.  The house is always full of baked goods, and they always seem to find their way into my mouth.  This morning I woke up and decided to eat a real meal at the start of my day instead of eating cookies or cake.  I poured myself a bowl of Smart Start (arguably my favorite cold cereal) and grabbed the soy milk from the fridge.  I opened said soy milk, only to discover it was bad.  It's been in the fridge since Thanksgiving.  Instead of making oatmeal or eating dry cereal, I decided it was a good idea to eat Toaster Strudels (you know, those sugar packed "fruity" toaster pastries made with high-fructose corn syrup?) and a cookie.  The sooner I get back to my place the better.  There are simply too many temptations here that I am not yet ready or able to resist.  Hopefully in a few months, in the same situation I'll have no problem.

So not only am I doing absolutely NOTHING, but I get upset when I think about what I could be doing.  Agh!  I just want to be back at school with my gym and my routine.

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