Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Oh blog world, it's been far too long.

And what have I been doing with my life? Not running enough and eating too much. Let's fix this, shall we?

In the past months, I may have been neglecting this puppy, but I continued updating my RunningAhead account, so my miles have been tallied (very few in number, might I add).

Anyway... New England got pounded with a huge snowstorm today. The gym was closed and the roads were terrible, so running was out of the picture. Next best thing? Shoveling snow for three hours. Yes, I said that correctly. Three hours.

About an hour after I finished, some guys my landlord hired showed up with a snow blower. The nerve!

Here's what it looked like (more or less) when I began:

And here's what my butt looked like afterward:

Don't try and tell me you don't like it.

On a side note, since the half marathon in June, I'd gained 18 pounds. Back up to 221. Yo-yoing really sucks. I've been working out pretty consistently and eating well over the past week and a half. Down to 210. Killing it.

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