Before I saw an allergist for the first time at age 15 due to an incident involving a banana nut muffin (because why would anyone go to an allergist for anything other than anaphylactic shock?), my life was completely miserable. If my asthma was under control, it was only a matter of time until my allergies kicked in, which would in turn make my asthma flare. I wasn't on any medication at the time aside from my albuterol inhaler, so these events would also lead to bronchitis, which eventually became chronic. I didn't know anything else - it was just the way life was. A few times a year it would get bad enough to see a doctor for a prescription, but most of the time I just dealt with it. My allergist informed me that I didn't know what if felt like to be healthy, prescribed me allergy meds and an oral asthma med, and life got better.
Then I moved to Massachusetts, and my dependency on my medications disappeared. I no longer had the allergies that made my asthma flare up that induced bronchitis. I was free!
Jump to four years later. It appears as though my body has caught up with the pollen here. My allergies have returned (though not in full force). I hadn't had to use a fast acting inhaler in Massachusetts, save for one (maybe two) times my freshman year until two days ago. I kept telling myself that it would all pass, but it did not. Cue asthma attack last night.
I forgot how scary it is not being able to breathe. My inhaler was no use, and I ended sitting up awake for a few hours before I got a handle on my lungs. So that sucked.
Anyway, I ended up only running 2 miles today. I was kind of bummed, but at the same time, I'm just glad to be breathing relatively easily again. SO, if you can breathe with ease, count your blessings! Wheezing is the pits.
Geesh! Glad your ok!
Bless your heart, girl! I watched my grandmother have spells like that. She had emphysema and had spells where she couldn't breathe. It was so scary. :(
I can't wait to hear all about your half-marathon!
Were you in range of the smoke from Quebec? My allergies usually leave me alone, more or less, but this week they were horrible. Thank goodness the smoke has cleared up!
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