I've deleted all the weight stuff on the right side... I just don't care that much. Don't get me wrong, one of my goals is weight loss, but running further/longer and racing are just more exhilarating to me, so I've posted my tentative race schedule for this year. Here is a breakdown:
06/13 - Worcester Half (13.1 mi)This will be my first race. Ever. Crazy that my first race will be a half? Probably. I'm living life on the edge. It's all or nothing, baby! Plus, this is in my city, on the roads I run and am well acquainted with. I think it will be comfortable, and definitely doable. It's hilly, scenic, and should be drawing a good number of participants. Plus, for finishing, I get a shiny medal! Who wouldn't want to get medal in their first race?
06/27 - New Charles River Run (7.5 mi)This one looks like a fun way to continue my race season. I looked for a race on the 20th (my birthday!), but to no avail. There were a couple of 5k races, but they were all too far away to justify such a short race. Anyway, this one looks like a beautiful course, so I'm pretty excited about that. They also have weight classes, which is pretty awesome! Sadly, the Clydesdales (men) have multiple weight classes, while the women only have one "heavier" class, which is 140+... there's no way I can compete with a 140 lb. woman, it's just not happening. Nonetheless, I appreciate the fact that they do have classes, as most races don't, and I'm sure it'll be a fun race, anyway.
07/17 - Greenbelt Trail Run (10k)I've always wanted to do a trail run. The only time I've ever had to chance to try it was at the end of an Outward Bound course I did four years ago to prove to my parents that I could do anything, and that being fat couldn't stop me. The end of the course saw a 1.5 mile trail run that nearly killed me. It took me 40 minutes. To run a mile and a half. I was so out of shape and so embarrassed - but I
finished. I want to try it again, now that I'm in [relatively] good shape. This will also be my first 10k, and it looks like a fun course. It's in a really beautiful part of the state, too!
09/12 - Run to the Rock (13.1 mi)I wasn't able to find any decent August races, so I guess I'll be training to beat my time from the Worcester Half. This one looks like a well-attended race, plus I've never been to Plymouth Rock before. Heck, the only touristy thing in Massachusetts that I've done is stand outside a museum in Salem, and the only reason I was there at all was because I was looking for a way to kill some time during a conference. This race should fulfill a little bit of that touristy business I've avoided for four years.
09/19 - Lone Gull Race (10k)I don't know much about this race at all, but it's right next to the beach, so I expect it will be a lovely run. That is pretty much my only justification for this one. It's good enough for me.
10/03 - Rise & Run Race (10 k)This one is fairly close to where I live, and seems to be one of the last races of the season that fits into my schedule, so in it goes!
10/17 - Bay State Half (13.1 m)Let's end it with a bang, eh? Three half-marathons in one year sounds awesome to me, and this loop course caught my eye. Plus, who knows when I'll get to race next?
Now, I just need a money-fairy to come and help me pay for them all...