I've got to get into a rhythm and a system where I make time for what's important (gym, cooking good meals, school, work, and socializing), which is a very difficult task. My long training runs will be on Saturday mornings. That should be fine and undisturbed because I don't work on weekends, my school work can hold off for an hour or two, and my friends are never awake early on Saturdays. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only days where I have to physically be in class (I'm taking a directed study, and honors thesis, and two courses), and there is a perfect amount of time in between the two courses to hit the gym, get a shower in, and scarf down whatever lunch I pack with me.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday I have work and I will need to be working on my honors thesis and other school work a lot, but I should be able to get to the gym first thing in the morning before I really start my day. I can't wait for when it's warm enough for me to start running outside again and forego the gym all together! Sadly, I have asthma and the cold makes me wheeze something fierce.
Okay, Massachusetts senate race is today! Gotta go vote :)
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