Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Very impressive!" - 6.3 miles down!

I skipped lat week's 4.5 mile run. Bad, I know.

This week I was schedules for a 5.0 miler. Daunting. Very scary. Completely frightening. After procrastinating all morning, I suited up and headed out. Through the entire run, little pains popped up here and there, but it wasn't so bad. Around the 1 mile marker I saw a 50-something man running who would make another appearance later in my run. Around this time, I was feeling pretty good - I had some pain in my right hip, but it went away and was replaced by an unhappy tummy. Ruh-roh!

Around the 2.5 mile mark, I saw the man again and had a short conversation with him, because this time we were headed in the same direction. He's running the Worcester half-marathon as well, not shooting for a PR, just looking to cross the finish line. He asked me how far I was going today, I told him I was planning on doing 5 miles, and he responded with a "Very impressive!" I am IMPRESSIVE? I guess so! I took the compliment and ran with it.

I also got some boost of energy (well, it was more like determination - I was pretty tired) to keep running. I ran a total of 6.31 miles in 1:25. HELL. YEAH. !!

I feel pretty awesome. Just sayin'.

Also, down to 206 lbs!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


This lady's running blog is hilarious, and it is definitely worth checking out! She talks a lot about pooping and farting, which I love. Can't take yourself too seriously! Anyway, she has a great giveaway going on, so if you see this before the 16th, get on over there and enter.

4.0 miles. Yikes!

Yesterday I set out for my long run, a whopping 4 miles, and the longer than any other outdoor ran I've ever attempted. I set out around noon, after it had warmed up a little (30 F) and after I had eaten some fruit. Within the first few minutes, I could already feel my quads burning, which is odd for me, as usually it's my lungs that do me in, not my legs.

I had planned out the 4 mile loop to be identical to my 3 miler up until the first mile, at which point I would take a turn and tread on completely new territory. For the first mile I kept telling myself, "it's okay to just stick to your normal route and do 3, you don't feel 100%." Then I got to the one mile mark and took the turn, because I'm not okay with giving up anymore. The run was hard, one of the most difficult in my memory, but I ran the whole way. I had to stop around the 2.75 mark to catch my breath a little (the cold makes my asthma act up) and stretch out my muscles for a minute or so, which really helped. Incidentally, I mapped out a course that was a gradual incline, so most of the last mile was a bit downhill (my legs were grateful).

I ran the 4 miles in 52:14 for a 13:04 pace. Again, a bit slower than I'd like to see, but I completed the run and that's what really matters, at least for now. Yesterday's run not only marks the furthest I've ever run outdoors, but also the longest duration that I've ever run, so even if I was slow, it's pretty exciting.

Now, as for unraveling why I may have been slow (I should be around 11:30-12:00 splits):
-I gave blood this week, and it left me feeling a little tired and weak.
-I have not worked out since last Sunday, when I did my 3.5 miler. I need interim workouts!
-I think I may have been a little bit dehydrated.
-I could have woken up earlier and eaten more.

All things I can work on! Except for the blood thing, but that is an irregular occurrence.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cold Weather Run #2

Today wasn't nearly as bad as last week's cold-weather run Temperature-wise, it was a balmy 28 F (not sure of the wind chill - somewhere in the ones or low teens). My goal was to run 3.5 miles, which I proudly achieved! It was a little tougher physically this week, though, because I waited until later in the day and didn't give myself enough time after eating. Also, the wind was at my face for the first half of the run, which is never fun. I may also have been a little bit dehydrated. I had enough to drink yesterday, but today I wasn't doing so well with the water. Woops! My time was 44:47, so that put my pace a little over 13:00. Not what I'd LIKE to see, but let's look for the positive: 1) I didn't wuss out and completed the whole 3.5 miles and 2) I ran the WHOLE way - no walking breaks. I think that's a good sacrifice for a bad pace.

I am surprised that I'm sticking to this so well! Last week I only got in one easy run at the gym (on Thursday), so this week I have to try and be better about that. Tuesday I've signed up to give blood, so I've also got to be conscious of that. You can't workout within 24 hours of giving blood, right? I should look into that... Otherwise, it's just back to the old grindstone!